At the heart of Keep The Cash! is the idea of personal responsibility. We help young people to understand that it is the responsibility of everyone as an individual to make their own plans and to ensure that they are sustainable. We encourage students to match their aspirations with their ability to fund that lifestyle, highlighting the importance of employment as the means to build a self-sustaining, independent adult life.
This generation of students faces some major challenges, and whatever career path they choose, it is imperative that they have the skills and knowledge to manage their lifelong relationship with finance.
This means much more than making individual financial choices – which are entirely personal matters – and is about equipping students with a practical set of skills and knowledge which they can use to manage their lives.
To find out how Keep The Cash! can help your students achieve the financial literacy standards set by the new National Curriculum, contact us now.
- meets the requirements of the National Curriculum
- focuses on PHSEE, functional mathematics and English
- is practical and hands-on
- engages students in real-world decision making
- introduces them to what it will be like to live as independent adults
- encourages them to match their aspirations with their ability to fund that lifestyle
- provides students with the tools to have a lifelong relationship with finance
- enables them to build a sustainable plan for their future
Keep The Cash! addresses the needs of the new National Curriculum at Key Stage 4 and 5. It delivers a range of learning outcomes that cover financial education (including financial capability and economic well-being), careers and employability, citizenship, functional maths and functional English.
Keep The Cash! also succeeds in engaging students of all abilities, from a very wide range of backgrounds, because it makes the learning relevant to their own lives.
The skills that pupils develop while taking part in Keep The Cash! provide the foundation for their lifelong relationship with finance. It gets them to start thinking critically about their own financial arrangements and plans, encouraging them to be active, rather than passive, in their own financial lives. It also demonstrates to them the inter-connectedness of education, employment, personal finance, housing and their aspirations.
Keep The Cash! demonstrates the key principles that underpin financial literacy, enabling young people to make smart choices about their finances regardless of the banking arrangements or financial methods that they choose.
It is an engaging education programme that receives universal support from parents, governors and the students themselves. Get in touch now to find out more about how Keep The Cash! can benefit your pupils.
Reserve your Keep the Cash! Day
We would be delighted to explain how we can help your students flourish from a lifelong life skills and financial perspective. To find out more on how to book a Keep the Cash! Day for your school, please call us now on 0151 601 3029, email or fill in the Online Enquiry form below. Let us know how many students you have and when you would like the session to take place, to ensure availability on your preferred date(s).
Depending on student numbers, the cost per student starts at just £10 for the day, which includes all the kit, materials and tutors.
We would love to hear from you! Please fill out the form and we'll get in touch with you shortly.