It engages students and gets to the heart of the issues that every young person will face when they start to build their own independent lives.
Seema Solani, Assistant head, Westminster City School
I wish somebody had given me this information before I entered the adult world!
Lisa Nolan, CIAG co-ordinator, North Liverpool Academy
Keep The Cash! is the most effective financial literacy product currently available to education providers
Diane Lloyd, The Centre for Secondary and Vocational Education, Liverpool John Moores University
Keep The Cash! actively involves students in practical, functional aspects of financial education so to me it's a gift.
I would recommend it most highly.
Louisa Allerston, Head of Sixth Form, Bellerive Catholic College
Keep The Cash! provided the students with a brilliant insight into real life household budgeting.
Students soon realised that, in the real world, entertainment was not an immediate priority when it came to paying bills!
Elizabeth Mullen, St Declan's School, Dublin
Yours was the stand-out event of the week with so many students and staff appreciating the valuable lessons they learned.
Paul Spence, Assistant principal, University Academy Birkenhead