EU Jamais. In or Out? Will it make any difference to youth unemployment levels?
The battle lines are being drawn on the forthcoming referendum on our continued membership of the EU, and politicians, journalists, academics and assorted other opinion formers are all busily getting their messages out, in the hope of having an influence over the way we decide to vote, come the big day.
The rival claims and counter claims for and against our continued membership of the EU are bombarding us from all directions, and it is difficult for the ordinary voter to make an informed assessment of the credibility and validity of the wide range of opinions being offered up on our nightly TV news programmes.
One side claims that we will flourish outside the EU and be far better off simply trading with whom we want as an independent nation, the other side issues dire warnings of certain disaster if we leave the EU, with an impoverished UK struggling along without the many benefits of being a member of one of the world’s biggest trading blocs.
Youth Unemployment a forgotten problem
There is one stark fact about the EU that is not discussed with as much intensity as it deserves, and it is having a ruinous impact on the lives of some of the most vulnerable citizens of the EU, and its name is youth unemployment.
What is worse, is that that figure does not take any account of those young adults who are on unpaid internships of one kind or another.
Statistics proving a grave problem that all the politicians and journalists and academics and other opinion formers seem unable to talk about, never mind solve.
That statistic of 20% of the EU’s young people already experiencing the demoralising reality of unemployment would be a statistic of interest only to historians.
Wasting the talents and energies of one in five of the EU’s young adults is madness
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