“I wish somebody had given me this information before I entered the adult world”

The Keep the Cash! team spent the day with 200 Year 10 students at North Liverpool Academy earlier this month, experiencing the challenges involved in building an independent and sustainable life.

The students worked in teams as a household to pay bills, manage debt, apply for jobs and develop employability skills, and together find a way of sustainably working towards their aspirations.

Lisa Nolan, head of CIAG at North Liverpool Academy, organised the day and was delighted with the experience her students had.

She said: "Keep the Cash! is an interactive and engaging programme which gives students excellent preparation for understanding finance and managing money they require for adult life.

"I wish somebody had given me this information before I entered the adult world!

"Personal finance and budget management are crucial skills students need to secure an excellent credit score, which will have a significant impact on their adult life. Keep the Cash! prepares students for the minefield of personal finance which if not managed properly can have a detrimental impact on opportunities such as mortgage applications they will need in later life.

"Keep the Cash! introduces students to the reality of the competitive job market and skills required for the interview process."

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